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Business, News

Introducing Why Lead Now

Yesterday the organization that I work for, The Ken Blanchard Companies, launched a new blog called “Why Lead Now” located at www.whyleadnow.com. Here is the About statement:

Why Lead Now is a blog for the next generations of leaders. Whether you are Gen X, Gen Y, a Millennial, a Student, or just someone who is new to the concept of leading yourself and others, the thoughts and ideas expressed in Why Lead Now are designed to help you understand the basic concepts of leadership, and to develop your own personal and professional style.

Written by a group of today’s young leaders, postings are made from real-life examples and experiences, allowing you to read and comment on topics that affect you today, or will affect you tomorrow.

I am one of four authors on this blog. In fact, the blog’s first official post, “Assume the Best Intentions,” was written by yours truly. The topics I write about for Why Lead Now will be much more focused around the topic of leadership. This blog you are now viewing, Superior Intellect, will remain my personal dumping ground for whatever happens to be on my mind at any given time.

My hope is that you will regularly find something of value in both locations.


One thought on “Introducing Why Lead Now

  1. Good stuff. I look forward to reading the posts.

    Posted by Steve Z. | April 15, 2010, 7:45 am

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